Watching porn is often a solo activity reserved for a dark room with the door closed. We immediately clear our browser histories afterward, but why?
Kristel Penn and I are working to offer a unique framework for viewing and enjoying porn. Like developing a nose for fine wine, we believe that a little practice and knowledge can help create a decadent menu of shame-free desire designed specifically for you!
To begin, we’ll cleanse our palates of shame, stigma, and misinformed beliefs around the adult industry. We’ll whet our appetites for knowledge with an excerpt from Lilith Luxe’s award-winning documentary series, Real Fucking Doc, featuring the cast of “Real Fucking Girls” and its director Mona Wales. Luxe’s piece highlights the voices of the performers and producers and discusses their dedication to the creation of high-quality ethical porn, porn’s place in culture, and its ability to inform it. At the end of this beginner’s tasting course, you’ll learn a bit about the adult industry, what varieties of porn might be a good fit for you and why, and how to feel good as a conscious consumer.
So, cum one, cum all! This is for educators, providers, and anyone who wants to learn ways to create an open and shame-free dialogue (with others or yourself) around porn.
We're so excited to offer this course because we believe that reducing our shame about porn consumption can destigmatize desire and bring light and safety to the industry and communities that work in it. Get specific information about our talk and the rest of the amazing Catalyst Con 2018: Sparking Communication About Sexuality, Activism, and Acceptance line-up here: CONFERENCE LINK.