Come join me for this celebration of queer love and queering love!
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Yoga @ Unfold Yoga OC!
I’m excited to announce that I’ll be joining the Unfold Yoga OC Community as a teacher in 2019! I’d love for you to come join me on Thursday nights from 7:50 pm - 8:50 pm for a Mindful Slow Flow class. Every BODY will be welcome in these classes! They will also be LGBTQ Affirming and Trauma Sensitive.
Special considerations for those interested: Low lighting will be used in the space and classes will be set to music. There will be mild aromatherapy offerings that can absolutely be declined by the individual or class. Consent will be honored as a highest priority. There will be an invitation for gentle flow but participants will be encouraged to listen to their bodies and hearts first and foremost as long as they remain respectful of the rest of the community.
Please, register online here. If you’re a new student to Unfold OC please take advantage of your FREE 20 minute Success Session with studio owner: April Lovett!!!
Sunday Spread: Ring of Fire
My self-care column Sunday Spread: Simple Tips for Not So Simple Lives starts today on Little Red Tarot! I feel really lucky to be part of this growing alternative tarot landscape, and really believe in the access it gives us to be active agents in our own healing. Come join me once a month on Little Red Tarot for the Sunday Spread and be on the look out for more ways to queer the process here on COM|PASSionate REVOLT.
Contemporary Relationships Conference is Almost Here!
Heading to ATX next week for the Contemporary Relationships Conference May 13th & 14th!
Excited for Clearing the Cache while Lindsay Legé presents on Poly 101 (a sneak peak of our new online course) hosted on Queer University! Read workshop descriptions below:
Clearing the Cache:
Demystifying and Destigmatizing the Consumption of Pornography in Contemporary Relationships (Crail B)
Traci Medeiros-Bagan, LMFT- Anaheim, CA, and Kristel Penn, BA - Los Angeles, CA
There is a lot of work done around the problematic nature of pornography: how it represents our sexuality, what the acceptable amount (if any) it’s okay to consume, and the politics of the industry itself. Even the most sex positive of individuals, couples, and providers may find themselves a bit shy when it comes to our own personal browser histories. Still, the numbers remain the same. The industry continues to boom. There is a lot of porn being watched and not always by the demographic you might think. So why is there so much shame around it? If we’re all doing it, why can’t we talk about it? Is it possible that breaking the silence around the consumption of commodified sexuality might also shed some light on our most private pieces of identities and relationships?
Start the discussion around destigmatizing and demystifying our culture’s consumption of pornography.
Create a basis for the consideration that there are ways the consumption of pornography may have value and empowerment properties for the individual and the relationship.
Give some recommendations on how to open up communication about what we are drawn to, why, and how it can increase intimacy and self-awareness.
Poly 101, or 2, or 3 . . . (Crail B)
Lindsay Legé, LMSW - Austin, TX
Poly 101, or 2, or 3 . . . will offer the workshop participant a basic understanding of types of non-monogamous relationships they might encounter personally or professionally. The group will engage in some “Myth Busting” around understanding non-monogamy in a monogamous culture and will be encouraged to internally explore their own biases. Initial recommendations will be made on how to assess for readiness to work with this population and how to move towards being an affirming and knowledgeable clinician. Lastly, the workshop will offer resources for further study.
Participants will gain basic knowledge around definitions and an understanding of differences between identities and relationship structures.
Participants will have common myths dispelled and assess for their own internal biases about working with this population.
Participants will leave with a list of resources to take away and recommendations for continuing study.
Meditation on Love February 2016 Special
Hey there divine beings!
You made it through January 2016! Congratulations! Ready for February?
Whether you're in a love bubble of new relationship energy, setting down boundaries for an exciting new kinky partnership, making love to the act of self love, nurturing your friendships, or are wanting to increase your competence in your work with LGBTQ, Kinky, and Non-Monogamous individuals, couples, and families I invite you to meditate on love with me!
Take some space this month to process how you define love, what it means in your life, and what versions you want to welcome into your world! Manifest the life you want to live!
- Individual Counseling or Life Coaching ($100)
- Couples or Relational Counseling or Life Coaching ($150)
- Consultations for Clients ($100)
- Consultations for Providers ($150)
Manifesting love,