In the first installment of Wound Care, we practice grounding, centering, and facing our wounds. While not all of our wounds are physical, they are all stored in our bodies. And just as an untreated physical wound can fester so can our emotional ones.
Read MoreWound Care: Mental Health Awareness Month
Dear ones,
It has been much too long since we have been able to breathe together without fear.
Wound Care is a 4-week offering/challenge to take time for yourself and turn your attention towards uncovering and understanding the trauma that has been surfacing in our bodies/communities this past year.
For the month of May, I’ll be on Instagram Live (@CompassionateRevolt) every Friday from 9-915am PDT.
The vision is that you will take this 15-minute practice into the rest of your week and your weekly practice into the rest of your month as a way to lean into more awareness around your mental, physical, and emotional health so that you may take this health back into your community.
Think of it as a little first aid for your spirit.
This practice is just a beginning. It is just the initial peeling back to face what needs to be healed. Everyone is welcome. The shape will be one of gentle movement and breath to start to explore and nurture a compassionate relationship to the tender place that lies at the intersection of mind, body, and external world. Since we will be meeting virtually you will be able to set up your space as needed for your individual safety and comfort while knowing that you are practicing with your community.
Come as you are. Do what you can. Let us move back into breath together.
Wounded but healing,
Hi, Y'all
Community is a magnificent and elusive creature. We don’t always find it when we’re desperately looking for it and sometimes it finds us when we’d least expect it.
Back in 2014 I stumbled across a Psychology Today community post looking for submissions for a Contemporary Relationships Conference (run by the graceful powerhouse of a community leader and advocate that is Jeff Lutes) being held in Austin, TX. While I’d long been offering education and workshops in my local community, I hadn’t yet really traveled to speak anywhere. Admittedly, on a bit of a deep breath and a whim, I applied with the workshop, “Queering Consent: Navigating Relationships Outside of the Hetero AND Homo Normative.” I was as terrified as I was excited when I got the thumbs up from the program committee. Was I really going to take my little queer Asian ass to Texas to speak about how to appropriately and radically engage in sex and kink and love with multiple partners at a church (which was where the conference was being held that year)?
I can think of no better example of the magic of queer kismet.
I ran into wonderful community both at the conference and the surrounding area. I marveled at needing to slow down my manic Los Angeles pace to appreciate how being out around town actually had a really similar vibe to being at home in Hawaii if I exchanged the “Tanks eh, bruddahs!” and Locals sandals for some “Welcome ya’lls!” and un-ironic cowboy boots. Post conference I had the immense good fortune of ending up in a group outing to Cheer Up Charlies (still one of my all time favorite queer bars) led by some fabulous locals (amazing safe spaces + gender-affirming radical therapists Lindsay Lege and Adam Mauer). I had amazing vegan biscuits and gravy, became a die-hard fan of Yellowbird hot sauce, and found my favorite Fine Southern Gentleman t-shirt which I love to wear absolutely ironically with cowboy boots and cutoffs or Doc Martens and a tuxedo blazer… it really is an irreplaceable staple wardrobe piece.
Since that first conference, I’ve also presented on destigmatizing porn, helped out with the program committee for the conference (coming up in May!), and also feel really honored to be tapped to take part in the new QTAP (Queer and Trans Affirming Provider) Certification Program as a Board Member, Consultant, and Faculty Provider.
Thanks, ya’ll, you never know where a deep breath and good community is going to take you.
Find out more about The Contemporary Relationships Conference and the inaugural QTAP FastTrack Certification here:
In queer kismet,
Join Me at UCI Gender Diversity Program's Transgender Health Community Conference
Join me at UCI Health Gender Diversity Program’s first annual Transgender Health Community Conference on March 15, 2020 at UCI (University of California - Irvine).
I’ll be representing Gather and Grow OC with Ami Amimoto. I’ll also be facilitating a panel + presentation from 3:15pm - 4:05pm where trans people and their loved ones will discuss transitioning and other related topics.
Queerfully & Wonderfully Made: Queer Polyamory
Come join me for this celebration of queer love and queering love!
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