Mindful Slow Flow Yoga Class
I’d love for you to come join me on Thursday nights from 7:50 pm - 8:50 pm for a Mindful Slow Flow class. Every BODY will be welcome in these classes! They will also be LGBTQ Affirming and Trauma Sensitive.
Special considerations for those interested: Low lighting will be used in the space and classes will be set to music. There will be mild aromatherapy offerings that can absolutely be declined by the individual or class. Consent will be honored as a highest priority! There will be an invitation for gentle flow but participants will be encouraged to listen to their bodies and hearts first and foremost as long as they remain respectful of the rest of the community.
Please, register online here. If you’re a new student to Unfold OC please take advantage of your FREE 20 minute Success Session with studio owner: April Lovett!!!