Dr- Breeze Harper

Engaged Theory Makes Change Possible

Happy Friday REVOLUTIONARIES!!! We talk a lot about collaboration, community and, of course, living consciously + connected. We talk because it's important to be in conversation about these things. We also want there to be action, we want to be a part of the action, we want to inspire you all to take action and we want to engage in action together!

We also realize that to live consciously and connected in this world can be a daunting task. Especially for those of us that already feel and experience things with intensity and vibrance. It is with this in mind that we want to honor those doing this exhausting and powerful work. We want to honor those out there that are courageous enough and dedicated enough to fight and create space for all of us to have these important and scary conversations so that we can heal together on a holistic level. We want to make sure everyone knows about this amazing conference that's happening...


The Vegan Praxis of Black Lives Matter



Go visit Sistah Vegan , donate to the cause and get involved in the conversation because...

"Engaged theory makes change possible."

Carol J. Adams


The COM|PASSionate REVOLT Team