MHM 4: Energy + Advocacy

Happy Monday Everyone! We hope everyone had a wonderful Super Bowl weekend! Not football fans either? Well, we hope you had good snacks. We're mostly in it for the vegan tofuffalo wings (perhaps some COM|PASSionate food blogging should be in the works.) Today's Mental Health Mash-Up will be in blog format (we're also dreaming up some videos, prezi's and other magic to come.) We'd like to welcome anyone popping over from LibSyn! "Hey, friends! This here's the main blog-- we hope you podcast listeners stick around and check out some of what the other folks are doing around these parts!"


In this "episode" of the Mental Health Mash-Up we would like to talk a little about community energy and advocacy as well as, of course, how this plays into our mental health and self-care. Last week this post from Non-Profit With Balls (they're awesome by the way- check them out) on Trickle Down Community Engagement came through our feeds. This concept isn't a new one to a lot of us in the COM|PASSionate REVOLT community and was really more of an "Amen, Vu, Amen, thanks for saying this in a way that we wanted to laugh as much as cry," moment! It really struck a chord with us and got us thinking about the sustainability of the work, how we're being compensated for it (financial and otherwise) and how we take care of ourselves while we're doing it.

On the last episode of Mental Health Mash-Up: Disclosure, we encouraged folks to take a moment to check in with how much educating they were willing to do along with what information they were trying to relay. We implored you all to remember that  it is NOT your job to educate others on your identity-- even if your identity is something they may not be familiar with. We also discussed the very relevant possibility that in some cases, if one has the energy and desire, a little educating of those around you can go a long way in making your journey smoother.

It's a bind. We know.

And  it doesn't just happen on the personal level with those we choose to tell in "perfectly" (read comical, awkward, ridiculous, etc) orchestrated "Coming Out" performances. It takes us off guard and happens when we're asked to talk to a friend of a friend, a kid of a friend, a sibling/cousin/roommate, etc going through a similar journey. It happens when we're asked to educate our colleagues or speak to a group about our lived experiences. How many of us have become accidental activists in this way, when asked to lay out our struggle, even though we haven't fully figured out yet to some group, because we were the only one's that had any information about being {insert identity journey here.}

It's not all bad. A lot of us have found it to be a really affirming and passion fueled part of our lives. Story, experience, knowledge and wisdom gained sharing are central pieces of what we're doing here on COM|PASSSionate REVOLT because we believe it to be healing-- to ourselves and others. And lived experience storytelling and resource sharing has long been a piece of the LGBTQ civil rights movement's gains in strength and visibility.

It's an admirable thing to share your story AND it's not your job.

It's imperative to our individual and community's mental health that we each find our own balance of if and how much of this we are able to do.

It's AS important to say, "No, I don't have the space/time/energy/etc" or "Yes, I do have experience speaking on this topic here is my workshop rate, dates I'm available and other sliding scale/trade based ways you can compensate me for my expertise" as it is to say, "Hell, yes, I have some free time and I'd love to come talk to other folks about how awesome our community is and how they can be more awesome to us!"

This check-in with ourselves in the arc of our lives, the space of our year and our moment to moment present is a way that we can honor ourselves as complicated, fabulous, 3 dimensional beings traversing this complicated, fabulous, 3 dimensional life journey!

So, in conclusion, thank you for reading all you queer educators, lived experience panelists, non-profits of one, vegan tofuffalo fans and folks that have accidentally found us through a series of serendipitous link clicks and hours of internet surfing.

We sincerely appreciate rolling through this rough and tumble journey of life with you as our community!

Please, take us for a ride in your back pocket as you wander, skip and cartwheel through this big beautiful and sometimes chaotic world!

And if you need a little extra support or guidance in how to say "No, I need to take care of myself" check out Non-Profit With Balls' very inspirational Contact Page.

Until next week,

In revolutionary COM|PASSion,

Skye + Traci


You can reach us at


COM|PASSionate Events

Hello there COM|PASSionate REVOLUTIONARIES! We hope your Friday is going well as you head into the weekend. Here is our event round-up and announcements for upcoming fun community loving!!!

{Photo Credit:}


Get out, take care of yourself and heal in community!


Don't forget there's lots of upcoming ways to get involved!

  • The Trans* Asterisk Conference at UC Riverside is quickly approaching! Don't forget to register by 2.6.15 to make sure that you get your conference t-shirt and lunch reserved!


Feeling like some quiet time at home is what you need? 


*Events are put on by the CR Community/CR Community members. Other events are by friends of the CR Community or of interest to the CR Community. Feeling a little nervous about getting out and involved? Email us and if we can we'll make some introductions so you have a friendly face to say "Hi" to when you get there!

**These events are local to Southern CA. If you want to do a COM|PASSionate event round-up for your local area let us know!

***Are you an individual, meet-up or community group that has some COM|PASSionate events of your own? Email us for details on how to submit your event to our calendar!


There are photographs in this post that were borrowed lovingly from the internet and do not belong to us. All are linked and credited to the best of our abilities in hopes of attracting more traffic to the photographers and websites who have blessed us with this imagery. The inclusion of a photograph here should not be interpreted as an assertion of the subject's or artist's identity or beliefs. If there is a photo included here that belongs to you and you want it removed, please email and it will be removed promptly, no questions asked.

Quick Healing Tips: Do You Chia?

Happy Wednesday everyone! It's time for Quick Healing Tips with Ashley! AshBanner

This week on Quick Healing Tips Ashley discusses the benefits and uses of Chia Seeds!

Watch here or visit us on our YouTube Channel


Ashley is a healing seeker, adventurer, provider and sharer. She offers healing services through her practice and is working towards creating a mind body healing site in Honolulu, Hawaii.


Tarot Tuesday: Some of my Favorite Resources

TarotTuesdayBanner Today I'd like to share with you some of my favorite other tarot resources in the big wide world.

First, if you're local to Southern California I heartily recommend you check out Califia Collective's Introduction to Tarot course: Reading the Cards - this Friday in Long Beach! It's being taught by the incomporable Alexis of Worts & Cunning and is affordable and promises to be full of learning and playfulness and goodies galore.


The internet is full of people sharing fabulous explorations of tarot. No list could ever be truly complete, but here are a few folks whose work I particularly love and/or whose work has supported my own tarot journey over the years.

Aeclectic Tarot is a huge - I mean HUGE - store of of resources. A lively community of scholars, professionals, aficionados, newbs, and all-around tarot-lovers has co-created a wealth of reviews, readings, experiences, stories, scholarship, advice, games, discussions, and random loveliness. This place really supported by tarot study, especially in the middle years of deepening and exploring and beginning to read professionally. Worth a trip down the bunny hole.

Beth at Little Red Tarot is doing fantastic work, is catalyzing a queer tarot community, just started a tarot learning course that I'm hoping to do together with my niece, is manifesting a queer tarot deck, writes lovely articles for Autostraddle, and is all around awesome. She is also recruiting writers - particularly folks of color and magical queerdos. Send her some love!

Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha is a shining star, and you can find her at - her work bridging tarot with radical healing and social justice is super inspiring. Check out this lovely interview with her too!

Trung Nguyen is an artist working on a gorgeous and inclusive tarot deck - you can read a wonderful interview with him here, or check out some his work on his tumblr here.


That should keep you busy for a while. Happy exploring! <3 Let us know who your favorite tarot peeps are!


Kaeti is a therapist, teacher, and dreamer based in Long Beach, California. All of her work (and play!) is interested in dismantling intersections of oppression and breathing magic and radical healing into all the daily corners of her life, into all the spaces of community she helps weave.


There are photographs in this post that were borrowed lovingly from the internet and do not belong to us. All are linked and credited to the best of our abilities in hopes of attracting more traffic to the photographers and websites who have blessed us with this imagery. The inclusion of a photograph here should not be interpreted as an assertion of the subject's or artist's identity or beliefs. If there is a photo included here that belongs to you and you want it removed, please email and it will be removed promptly, no questions asked.

MHM Ep. 3: Disclosure

Good morning REVOLUTIONARIES! We hope that you've all been safe and well this past week! On today's podcast we're talking about the complexities and intracies of disclosure and how we can make it more affirming for those of us doing the disclosure.


You can listen here:

or on LibSyn!

We'll start with a word to our allies and the 3 C's of being safe places for folks to disclose to:

  1. Be Conscious- Check your privilege, know this is difficult and know that you don't have the right to this information.
  2. Be Considerate- Can you help everyone navigate physical environment safely, are you a safe person generally and are you using affirming and non-normative language?
  3. Get Consent- If someone has disclosed to you, they have disclosed to YOU only. Be respectful and honor this information.

We'll also discuss planning the best structure for our disclosure, getting clear on our needs, getting clear on the space we have to educate others and how to communicate everything clearly and succinctly.

Here are some of the links that we mention in our podcast:

Thanks so much for listening! We hope that this was helpful and we'd love to hear your thoughts, experiences and resources as well!


Skye + Traci


You can reach us at